
Our section for members aged 4-7

Being a Rainbow is like entering a magical world of fun, adventure, and friendship. It’s a place where they can be their colourful self and discover new and exciting things.

As a Rainbow, they’ll join a special group of girls their age who love to learn, play, and have amazing adventures together. Every time they attend a meeting, they’ll get to explore different activities that will make them giggle and make new friends. From arts and crafts to singing, storytelling, and playing games, there’s always something exciting waiting for them.

“I love being a Rainbow! I’ve made lots of friends, have fun, and earn sparkly badges. We go on adventures and do crafts. Rainbow

Girlguiding loves to celebrate diversity, which means that everyone is welcome and valued. They’ll meet girls from different backgrounds and make friends who are just as unique and special as them. Together, they’ll have fantastic experiences and learn from one another.

One of the most exciting things about being a Rainbow is earning badges. Badges are collected by trying new things and learning new skills. They can earn a badge for being brave, for helping others, or for exploring nature. Each badge they earn shows how amazing and talented they are.

Girlguiding also plans fantastic outings and camps where they can go on adventures with their new friends. They might explore the great outdoors, go on treasure hunts, or have sleepovers in cosy tents. These experiences will create memories that they’ll cherish forever and make them feel like a true adventurer.

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Girls in guiding do unforgettable things. Register your child now to find a local group.


Try new things, learn skills and be a role model for girls. Give your time to make guiding happen